My dear subconscious is so gentle sometimes.My dear subconscious is so gentle sometimes.
Yesterday I went and read a fanfic, pretty untamed with kinks, then halfway I realized that for me it's more effed up than kinky and I keep sitting there faintly abhorred and the good part doesn't come and it won't. So I dropped it.
Then I went to sleep and among my usual crazy dreams happened to get an episode so obviously inspired by what I read that it couldn't be anymore obvious, so many little circumstances fit (it doesn't necessarily pick the plot, usually the tropes and those little circumstances).
But in such a mild way.
I mean, yeah, objectively speaking, being an experimental subject of an artificial being should be disturbing enough alone, not to mention when the lab workers obviously forgo the protocol, but it wasn't scary. There was not a single scary thing, no scalpels, no being secured to a table, nothing like.
What there was, well. Fun, for a dream. =P
The interesting thing is, when I dream of things like that, being artificial and stuff, my mental capabilities seem to fit. Like, I genuinely tried to communicate nonverbally, as if I couldn't talk — and I could, I spoke out loud when I was placed in the first test, probably out of surprise.
(The test was being dropped in a closed room and instructed to press a button on the west wall to get out, so I shouted "where the hell is west?" kind of desperately, but then it turned out that there was only one wall with a button, it just wasn't obvious at the first glance because of the textured paint and my eyes kind of failing to focus.)
So, fun.
That is, until they noticed my teeth aren't healthy. That part was scary, because there's only one person I trust to come with the dentist things near my mouth, so I ran.
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