понедельник, 16 ноября 2015
Oh. My. Effin. GodOh. My. Effin. God
Mashburn: "Thank heavens you're here, Patrick and Agent..."
Jane: "Lisbon."
Mashburn: "Lisbon. Right. Good to see you."
Soooooo, he remembers Patrick Jane, first name even, but he didn't remember Lisbon's name? And here's the one who asked for them? Well what did he ask for, "Patrick Jane and his agent partner"?
Apparently, I missed that bit when I watched The Mentalist first, but then, hard to get nuances when it's on TV and there are commercials every 15 minutes.
And here I genuinely believed that he's interested in Lisbon.
Well, obviously he has some interest in her, because spoilerhe ends up sleeping with her some time later (maybe later in that episode), but...
Well, okay, maybe I'm a little unfair, because Mashburn turns back just before signing and steps out for a second to ask Lisbon out... which is when the blast sounds... but given the show's general plot his interest in Jane is most likely unaknowledged, plus Lisbon may serve as a proxy.
They are even getting patched up next to each other,
while Lisbon's up and walking, all business. I mean, did the sсript-writers know what they were doing?
Aaaaand Jane plays right back again by pointing to Mashburn as a possible suspect who might have wanted Bajoran dead. Not because he really suspects him - just look at his face - but because it would be exciting. Exciting for Mashburn (he loved being a murder suspect before). It's a favour, almost.
Too bad the second time isn't that fun.
Okay, so Mashburn keeps switching between them two, Lisbon's in denial, and Jane tries to fix the first two together, because he thinks it would be good for Lisbon to get pampered a little and get some adventure. All he wants for himself is the fun from the case plus the fun from seeing Mashburn dance around Lisbon. I think it works out pretty fine for all three of them.
Aaaand he gives his "fancy credit card" to Patrick. Gives first, asks why second. Of course, he's ridiculously rich, but still...
And there's a "Patrick, thank god," in reaction to a phonecall. That's a second time Mashburn thanks a higher power for him. 
Aaaand Patrick pays back with announcing that Lisbon is Mashburn's girlfriend for all the party guests. 
There's something odd in the explanation scene. When Patrick explains about the wigs, he makes to walk further into the room (the exit is in the opposite direction), past Mashburn, and Mashburn steps in front of him, forcing Patrick to face him. Three times until he completely blocks his way. Patrick doesn't press.
So either Mashburn hides someone in the bedroom, or... or he just doesn't want Patrick to walk past him while explaining?
That's why.
Then Patrick knows. 
Oh, by the way, they have
cheatsheets for that too.
The Mentalist,
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