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Athey's updating "Again and Again"! Yay! 
For those who didn't stumble upon it, it's a do-over fic, LV/HP (justified!), realistic politics and proper BDSM (actual thematic one, rather than "character falls in love with his abuser"). I find it immensely enjoyable and entirely captivating, and I'm a rather picky reader.
Hopefully it gets finished, it seemed to be such a tragic waste of wonderful idea.

For those who didn't stumble upon it, it's a do-over fic, LV/HP (justified!), realistic politics and proper BDSM (actual thematic one, rather than "character falls in love with his abuser"). I find it immensely enjoyable and entirely captivating, and I'm a rather picky reader.
Hopefully it gets finished, it seemed to be such a tragic waste of wonderful idea.