NWZ 2x12
Why the funken hell do they stand there, looking?!
"Smoked me out and then shot me in the back!"
"Well... not exactly the back..."
Well, yes, so alcalde got an arrow to his backside, but why are you all looking? I'd be looking away!
А парнишка-то длинный... просто рядом с этой орясиной Диего теряется. Хотя, надо бы его рядом с алькальде увидеть.
Wow! Felipe's a tough guy!
Did an indian youth in! The miracles of love.
Alcalde: "The only thing these savages understand is force."
Victoria, quite panicked, looks to Diego, expecting his answer, and then...
Diego: "That's probably just how Zorro feels about you."
Aaaand Zorro's name does some freaking magic!
Dear alcalde, stopped arguing, left so thoughtful... NWZ 2x13
Hmm. The number of people left standing when there's free silver thrown about is rather expectable (although I'd doubt the authencity of silver). It's not surprising how easily people are rallied against Ramone, it's only surprising no one did before. Curious that Don Alejandro has to say "violence is not the answer". But where the hell did Diego vanish to? For such a tall man he really has a talent for disappearing.
Ah, no, he's right there. Hmm. Maybe just confusing camerawork, then.
Yeah, now he picks a coin. Probably shares my doubts about the metal. Or the coining.
Ah, so the coins are real. Only stolen. Diego's too smart, really. Practical chemistry and mechanics are such a treasured skill. If only I could fit any of those into my head...
Oh I hope he's taken precautions. He can't not know that it's a trap?
Well, at least the leader is elsewhere while Zorro looks for Don Alejandro, meaning there's less chance of a successful trap. However, the leader being elsewhere means that there's more chance for a successful attack at the alcalde, and we couldn't have that, could we?
Clever, swift, graceful. Good work.
And now, of course, Zorro will enter the alcalde's quarters through the roof, while the people are banging at the gate, and Luis Ramone is hurriedly packing valuables.
Did he really need to punch him? 
Hmm. It's really odd how Luis eyes are shining when he pulls the dagger from the ground... does he throw as well as his brother?
Nope. Haven't even tried. Maybe it was his own dagger, then.
Oh, really? Allow me to disbelieve that a grown man couldn't walk barefoot a little, even in a hot weather like that. But then, it's a show for kids, not for grown up slashers...
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