понедельник, 21 июля 2014
things are cooler than I thoughtHuh! First glance, and we already know how much John Reese is better than that Dillinger guy. And he got the tea wrong.
I wonder how much of the impression is from the authors deliberately making Dillinger annoying, and how much from my aquired thinking that Reese is one true partner for Finch?
I'm almost not mad at him anymore...
Oh bloody bloody bloody hell! Hello, John. And Kara.
Which kind of sucks. I'm sure Dillinger will end up at the wrong side of a bullet with those two.
But Finch is only supposed to meet John after John "loses" Kara, so how does he know John's face?
Unless he was receiving those early cases of Jessica's repeated number and defusing them somehow... then he would look into her past and see John, but how he'd know John's CIA?
Is it awful that I'm cheering for John, even though Dillinger is the one saving the number from him?
Oh. Oh. Casey's not hacked into a machine, he tried to hack into the Machine. Huh... means John worked on the other side of the numbers? The relevant side?
Oh bloody oath. Bringing a number into the Library! Is he daft?
Wow. A car with Casey in the trunk, ready to get really dead, just crashes into a pole? Doesn't sound right. But then, the Machine wouldn't do that. She didn't do that stuff in any of the other cases. If anything, she'd be interested in his disappearance.
Aaaand here comes the bad old guy. Mr. Greer, huh?
HUH!. And that's the laptop. "Tweaking it", yeah, right. Harold has a neat habit of severely understating things.
Oh I hope they kill him very painfully.
My best guess would be that Harold had already finished his "tweaking" (which translates into writing a virus to take down the Machine, with a little bonus inside), at least mainly. Because of what we've already seen.
I knew I didn't like that Dillinger guy for a reason.
Oh Harold. It's the second time he walks when he shouldn't. No surprise he ended up limping.
Oh John. Okay, I'm not mad anymore. He's just too damn noble.
And this is, of course, Shaw.
Harold really should enlighten them about that situation. For a bit of a bonding time.
How in the all bleeding hell can he dig with a showel? Considering he needs to use one leg for balance and the other to press?
Okay, good leg for balance, bad for digging. Must hurt.
Oh, I knew it's Root.
Why is the Machine doing that stuff, I wonder?
Person of Interest,
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