воскресенье, 01 марта 2015
4x04Oh really? How many times - Harold isn't cut for pursuits. He doesn't have the speed, or the dexterity in the crowd.
He's good at tracking people when they're not running away though.
Hmm... considering Egret might be a creation of the Machine, what says this Dominic isn't a creation of Samaritan?
It would be an odd kind of symmetry.
I wonder if it's very wrong to suspect that woman-agent in being that mole?
By the way, I don't see an earpiece on Reese... it must be a really tiny one.
Why do the bad guys with automatic weapons always miss? Not that I wish ill on the kids, just... why?
And why do I suspect that woman even strongly now?
Erica Lennox, hmm. Still suspect her though.
I hope that new game on her phone doesn't come with underlined words and red triangles.
Although I'm not entirely sure the girl is actually going to play... she might be up to something.
I hope John will be smart about that slip of paper...
...Nope. Oh well.
That's what worries me, that she'll manage. Still don't trust her.
See? Shouldn't have trusted her.
Well, guess the girl was actually playing. Good thing she did...
Blast it, kid, that is not the time for loud confessions! Bad guys can be listening.
"Like you! But shoot less people."
About that, John...
Oh. Oohh... can this Mini be Dominic?
Oops! Guess he is.
Well, you know? That's better than Samaritan. Guy's obviously going to cause trouble, but less than a AI with unlimited resources and unknown moral standing, right?Ah, almost forgot...
Go Team Machine.
Person of Interest,
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