воскресенье, 01 марта 2015
Okay, so I finally have both the time and the health to watch season four...
4x01Episode one was wow, but not much to tell about it, except Harold reminded he did have a reason why he left the team. And Machine is a sweetheart.
Her messages.
4x02So now we're up episode two... and I've got to say, John is being cruel. Harold isn't good at hot pursuit, what with his leg? He'll probably make do, but not only he's slow, he must be hurting. Aww.
Harold, you're smart, we get that, but, please, don't go announching suspicious stuff aloud? Even if this girl is as dumb as she appears to be.
I wonder if it's too far-fetched to believe that the nautilus shell game is created by Samaritan to get rid of geniuses?
Or by the Machine to recruit a new team?
Uh-oh, so I was right. It is Samaritan.
So nice to feel smart. 
Oh, no, no, no. Not to get rid of them. Similar to Root... another human interface. Oh no.
John, now you... don't go around showing your face to Samaritan's marionettes, dammit! Having a cover replacement hardwired into threat recognition can only protect you so far.
And Samaritan has endangered his prize winner pretty badly with that hacking task... I wonder why.
Fun thing, she probably didn't look what was in the file, just headed for the next puzzle.
Oh, so she was going to look, she just needed a code. Okay.
How about... Samaritan killed her parents by causing some malfunction? "No way to tell whose fault it was"?
Oh no. No bloody no. Damn it.
And throughout this episode. From the start to finish...
...the problem Harold has with this new endeavour is the same problem he had with Nathan when he found him getting numbers, to his own computer, unprotected, unencrypted. His problem is that he is not feeling that it is organized safely enough.
However, with the phone network the Machine helpfully provided, and whatever he's going to lead John to (I know it's that underground base, I know), now they can play. Go Team Machine.
Person of Interest,
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