понедельник, 25 августа 2014
NWZ 2x06Не, а Диего что думал?
Что не его выберут? Хорошо хоть не алькальде сам на него указал. Тоже, блин, неравнодушен. 
Besides, a printing press is a complex machine. Who if not Don Diego could operate it properly, huh?
Arson! Zorro should drag those dastards through the fire they started. That wouldn't mean bloodying his blade, so he totally can do that.
Of course, the series is for kids...
Alcalde, you sly dog. I'm impressed.
"De la Vega." It does sound like he's guessing for Zorro's identity. They all arrive at that conclusion sooner or later. Fortunately, he's only thinking the of the newspaper trick. And Diego's presence in the cell will deflect the blame. Mostly.
I wonder when they find out that the bars were damaged?
And he didn't tie his shirt (or whatever they do to keep it closed). How can a shipper not attribute alcalde's face expression to Don Diego's state of undress, huh? NWZ 2x07Oh, don't fall, don't fall, don't fall... Wrap your arms around your horse's neck and hold the hell on! Don't fall!
Oh come on...
Wrong entrance, Toronado... what if the father sees?
Oh my bloody hell. Alcalde's a freaking madman! To burn down a barn without even checking that he's got the right person inside!
By the way, at the state of the fire that they show she would be covered with burns and unconscious already. But obviously there were no real people inside when filming.
Oh, he sneaked away even after saving her! Genius move! He gets to get back to safety, and guilt-trip both the stupid husband and the alcalde. Although, guilt-tripping alcalde can be a nearly impossible thing.
Yeah, dear Luis Ramone obviously has no conscience. Alas.
And Victoria is an awfully selfish girl. She doesn't want Don Diego (because he's not as cool as Zorro), but should she catch the drift that there's a lady he demonstrates interest to, she's mad! Isn't that the epitome of "the dog in the manger" attitude?
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