NWZ 2x05Но иногда он просто золотко. Например, вот сейчас, когда кончик его шпаги упирается в шею этого урода, который собирался заколоть Мендозу.
Но вот отступать никак не умеет, пока его к стенке не прижмут... или на колени не уронят...
И почему никто не подошел и не треснул чувака по голове пока была возможность, а?
Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы Диего — ну, то есть Зорро — грохнул этого Теккери. Он, конечно, обещал шпагу кровью не марать, но бывают же такие уроды.
Oh, what is he waiting for?!
And what the bloody hell it is with challenging someone in his own name, again?
The fun thing is, even fighting "poorly" he holds on for longer than either Mendosa or the alcalde. How is it that nobody notices that?
Oh, tricks as usual. A sprained ankle, huh? Whatever does he need the excuse for? No one would suspect him if he acted as Zorro to start with.
Oh bloody hell. It's just impossible. I would jump at that dastard with a dagger. Of course, I'm not sure whether I'd have a dagger in such a setting, but at least a kitchen knife. Sneak up in a crowd, and plunge the blade, doesn't really matter where, but preferably on the dominant arm, so that he doesn't strike back. Then the big guys could have him.
Or someone with a pistol could shoot him. They are walking around him within a very close distance, anyone could hide a pistol in a jacket thrown over a hand. A whole garrison of armed soldiers, the alcalde himself! Honestly, are they all dumb? The soldiers with firearms are standing right freaking there!

"I must talk to him!" Heh. How does he imagine that?
Oh, shipper's delight. Those two working together. I do prefer when Zorro teases him lightly, like that, instead of publicly humiliating.
"Are you sure you don't wanna step outside?"

"Who's been giving you lessons?" And there's Zorro hanging upside down, in the "I'm Batman!" style.

Kicked the enemy, drew the alcalde aside to share a fencing tip, then pushed him from harm's way... And only then complimented Senorita Victoria. I think he likes them both.

Of course, of course alcalde won't pardon him. What would he do without his favourite opponent? Besides, everyone knows that when Zorro's unmasked, Victoria gets him. Until then, alcalde gets to enjoy the bigger part of his attentions.

@музыка: NWZ Theme ("His name is Zorro")
@темы: Zorro, EN, припала к канону, дыра в крыше алькальде, NWZ