Root? Root, you witch, you're right there. You hear the Machine is in trouble. Do put your skills to a good use and hack those dastards. Yeah, I'm looking at you. Or are you only good for bringing that troublemaker coffee?
Okay, that's the spirit. Make him spill. But if you go after Harold - you know John will make you regret, right?
Oh dear, she's so lovely. Not Root, the Machine. Earned money on her own. Bought a number of enterprises. Hired herself a whole company. Darn, isn't she adorable...
Harold, Harold, Harold! You promised to never lie to him! How is that not lying?
Ah, I see. I didn't realize the relevance of the address. Excuses Finch's secrecy, a bit. Grace is the only thing in the world he's more paranoid about than himself and the Machine.
Oh dear that phonecall is a scary prospect. But how in the digital hell does Root know about it?
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Harold, why in the world are you listening to her in that? A few minutes to get a number and send John on his way wouldn't ruin the mission. Of course, you don't know it's Carter. But then, you didn't know it was Nathan, either.
And just when I thought about Nathan, here we go. Gosh, now he has founded the "library lair" too. And he built the contingency plan. His noble ghost is so big that it's getting hard not to hate him just for that. Yeah, I know I'm illogical.
And John got himself captured, a-gain. How many episodes back he was just released from a huge load of trouble? Besides, Shaw did vanish successfully in the very same situation. Is he getting old?
Oh dear. That must hurt. And here I thought he was swept by some extra force, like Decima... Better for Reese, of course, in the physical health and survival aspect... but... oh, Harold. Is that your idea of care? Get him locked up so he doesn't end up among the collateral damage?
Oh, Harold...
It might make sense. In a cruel way. An artificial intellect with such a power, with its personality gone wrong - who knows what kind of havoc it might wreck? So he ensured that the personality doesn't go wrong. It gets erased.
But the thing is, this one probably never would. Because after all he's done, she still forgives. She still cares.
Dammit, Nathan, why in the all bloody hell didn't you create a more effective backdoor? So that Harold could revert those decisions, get a better access? Or... did you?
Oh, Root is right here (and I hate to agree with Root, but the terror... it's just...). They do write it back again... so how many days does she live continuously now? Probably not many.
And... don't tell me Root will take that admin call? Unlimited access for 24 hours? Please, no?
And yes, that bit. About the leaked laptop, apparently containing a super-powerful proactive code, similar in the core to the Machine. How come Harold is involved in that? He wouldn't, certainly? Wouldn't give someone such a weapon against his baby?
Poor John. I thought getting 911 called on him hurt? Well, compare it to that.
Aww. Harold Finch is a cruel person. Good, kind, but cruel. Also a great one. And every great person is bound to ruin a fair multitude of lives. It's just the way they are.
Oh I do hope that John doesn't get injuried.
Which probably means that he will. Authors are mean like that.
Джон, твою мать, возьми трубку!
Oh, Harold... not one phone call, but two? That's our man.
Oh dear. I'll just have to watch the next one. Right now.
@музыка: Person of Interest end title
@темы: EN, поток сознания, Person of Interest, припала к канону