Wow, there's a bunch of unposted drafts on The Mentalist...
Kirkland, mostly
Wow. I said I liked Bob Kirkland for Red John... he's better. He's a crazy Red John hunter. Crazier than Jane. Jane, at least, doesn't torture confessions out of those who aren't Red John. And the man he did kill... well, the man was trying very hard to convince Jane that he was the real deal. His own fault, that.
Alas, that only means that Kirkland isn't Red John... neither is the other FBI agent, Reede Smith, since he doesn't react to "Tyger Tyger" callsign.
But what is it with Kirkland asking Red John accomplices and suspects whether they saw him and recognize him? Odd like hell.
Unless... he's a victim, like Jane? Red John killed someone close to Kirkland, in his presence or within short time of his arrival?
Another crazy possibility is split personality disorder. Kirkland being both Red John and a Red John hunter. He seems crazy enough. And the voice is close.
But unless that's true, and unless Smith faked ignorance, we're down to four suspects: Bret Stiles, Gale Bertram, Ray Haffner, Thomas McAllister. McAllister disproved the "fear of heights" theory, but that doesn't mean he's not Red John, he may have some other fobia.
Oh, wow. Kirkland is awfully serious.
Ouch, a twin brother. Not strictly killed, though, joined the suicide squad of Red John accomplices. Near thing, anyway.
Ah, and that's why he keeps asking whether they saw him before! He means his twin! My, I'm slow today.
Oh no no no no no. Not Kirkland dead.
Oh screw you, Kirkland. Don't you know what that "Tyger Tyger" thing means? Don't you know what organization is that?
Damn. So here he's dead.
And it's five suspects, not four. Except... Smith is a little too unsubtle for Red John. And it almost sounded like they don't know it's Red John's thing.
And maybe... it isn't? Maybe the poem Red John quoted wasn't related to that?
But no, that would be a mad stretch. A maniac and a villainous organization, unrelated? That would be very unfair.