Volker, etc
Volker is good. Oh, he's awful alright, but beautifully so. Doesn't hurt that the actor's handsome. I knew I saw that brilliantly crazy glance before, and there we go, Henry Ian Cusick, played Dr. Trent Marsh in Body of Proof (well he also plays in Lost, but I'm not watching that one). A walking embodiment of villainous attraction.
I guess they had to go for the stereotype for once, cause the star of the show, Red John, likely doesn't follow that trend.
I wrote that I kind of remember Brenda's with Red John, but it just occured to me that maybe she's with Volker instead..? I remember the "major villain" vibe, but then Volker proves to be pretty major.
Brenda's with Volker alright.
Funny how my memory works.
Doesn't guarantee she won't be with Red John later, unless she gets killed soon (can't quite recall that for sure).
Well, she survived Volker being busted... so we'll see.