So it's time to catch up.
Oh-kay... so I get it, work comes first... but I really hope John comes back for those chips he won? Because, as Finch helpfully pointed out, their finances aren't as boundless as before.
And does John really get old? That missed hit from the stupid-smart girl Harper some time before, and now a nicked badge?
Harold, though... still top notch. Whatever that little device he's hidden from Root was doing, it was a true masterpiece how he played his agitation as related to his upcoming meeting with a lady. So sweet.
Oh. Oh. Oh my... Harold is so... I guess the chance in face expression when he looks at the computer is purely for the viewers sake, because, come on, Finch has a pokerface so advanced that few can compete. But... oh my. His "have dinner with me" — got me flustered. And he hasn't even said anything, you know, fluster-worthy. My gosh.
Oh funken hell. John and Freckles. Did I say I agree in case she's a new romantic interest? Scratch that. John behaving like an awkward teenager around a girl — so not my cup of tea. I certainly prefer his normal flirty&threatening mode.
John, come on. Even I know why she's referring you. Because you're making puppy eyes at her. And not the "will get me anywhere" kind of puppy eyes, but the "I've got a huge crush on you" kind. And she does just right back. Which is, in case anyone doesn't know, really unprofessional. So, end of therapy.
On the plus side, you can ask her out now (I mean, not plus side from my point of view, but whatever floats John's boat). If she agrees, that is.
Ouch. No, she probably won't.
And English last names are so helpfully fitting for both males and females. Shouldn't have lost that badge, John.
Wuh-oh. Dr.Bridges number came up... guess Team Samaritan is going to get rid of her as soon as they get those algorithms?
Poor Harold. Apparently he feels like he set her up.
Oh blast it. Do I see right that the girl rescuing Ray is the smart-stupid Harper?
Yes, I see right.
I don't like Root calling him Harry. Just for the record. I don't.
The minute he sat down, huh? That sounds kind of screwed.
But yes, Root's right: if that was directly linked to his presence, he'd be dead.
However, if what he's not telling is that (hypothetically) that little black box with green lights he hid from Root before transferred something onto Dr.Bridges computer the moment he sat down across from her, then yeah, very related.
Although, that would mean The Machine has seen the transfer and factored it into her calculations, and somehow it triggered the alarm.
And given the fact that we're speakind hypothetically here, it's a lot of ifs.
There's another perfectly nice reason: Dr.Bridges was finishing the conversation about giving her algorithm to Team Samaritan righ at that moment, so maybe her fate was sealed when those final words were exchanged.
I guess we'll see eventually.
Oh, Freckles. I guess it's more she's having a crush on him than him having a crush on her that tipped her into handing his case to another doctor. Because John sports his usual sad puppy look, and she still looks flustered and spooked.
Where did I see that blonde John's working with now? Because I did see her, and it keeps getting into my eyes.
She kind of looks like whoever plays Margery in Game of Thrones?
Oh, Harold. So subtle with his rigid posture, limping gait and Root at his elbow. Won't the number notice him if she happens to look back?
OH funken hell. That's what you get for tailing her, Harold dear. Now I really hope he doesn't blow that conversation...
Yeah, keep it short and to the point.
Okay. I guess Harold does like her. I did note that she seems to be the same type as Grace. But I think Root reads his motives wrongly. Not that he doesn't help her in that, of course.
Oh dear, indeed. Harold, what's going on, indeed. In other words... what the funk?!!
Bloody hell, John!
Root calming Harold down is all good and well, but what if that thrashing office act isn't, in fact, a show of jealousy? What if the "jealous ex" is a part of Samaritan's cover?
And hey, why aren't they looking for Shaw? It's been a while...
John, you're really getting old. Where's that unbeatable man in the suit, huh?
Oh. Is Root on a meeting with that whatever the hell software company she's been making applications for? Cause that must be another angle for an attack on Samaritan, right? Why else the Machine would send her?
Machine, girl, make up your mind, will you? Either you send Root on a mission to eliminate someone and then don't alert contingency with a number, or you want to save a number, but then don't create a threat!
Unless Root acts without the Machine's order...
Bloody hell! How about the good old "sit down, convince Harold not do the reckless thing" route, rather than moving directly to murdering the woman, hey? How about kidnapping and drugging Harold, at least? Or better yet, how about stealing the device, leaving him no choice but to show up at the date and play his part, no danger for anyone involved?
Oh come on! I know Root likes him lots, kind of worships him, but there must be alternate ways.
Well, if she's going to knock him out, why killing the lady?
Harold, dear, just hand her the thing, you get better chances of begging for Dr.Bridges life this way. You'll build another.
Or perhaps have Root activate the device, she's got fluid cover anyway.
Yeah. Likes him, worships him, not the Machine's orders. I should have guessed. The Machine, nice girl that she is, decided to handle it her way and sent Harold on a saving mission.
Kill this woman to save his life? Harold, she'd kill hundreds. Didn't you know?
OH MY BLOODY GOD. Harold, Harold.
But he doesn't get to die, the Machine wouldn't let him. At least not over something small like that, as opposed to the trading market showdown. And we do know she calculates stuff, like, to really tiny details. So perhaps the bottle is harmless?
And of course, change of scene.
Okay, we got it, Frankie. Don't come closer to the guy, though. Why the hell you step into his arm's reach? John may not be fast enough to save you.
Damnit, John.
Oh, Mr.Worthy's guys. Hopefully they get Ray and don't get the good guys.
Harold, sweet Harold. Don't you think Root will murder that lady just out of spite, if you wind up dead? Cause she's that kind of girl.
Okay, nicely handled, John. It's a good thing you don't know what's happening on Harold's end, because like hell you would be that calm.
Well, guess the bottle isn't harmless. Maybe the toxin is less harmful when ingested, at least? Cause Harold isn't young. Or very healthy, for that matter. Although he's certainly sturdy.
Thornhill? Another name that should mean something, I suppose.
So my memory is bad, oh well.
OH MY. That Thornhill. OH MY.
Hmm. I guess the letter was sent from Harold's address. The question is: would that be Root's failsafe to make sure he doesn't attempt exactly what he came to attempt, or... would that be the Machine herself?
I wish she talked to him, other than sending numbers. I know he forbade it himself, but...
Actually, maybe she doesn't talk to him exactly because he forbade it himself. Respects his choice, or something. She does adore him.
Except there was that moment when he said it was time they talked, and we never got to see the conversation...
And Harold does, in fact, like Dr.Bridges. Oh well.
"Call me when you're a free man", huh? She certainly doesn't mean the job. She means something in his face expression that made her hug him instead of kissing him.
I wonder who's responsible for that something.
Oh hot damn. Isn't that a bit too direct? For Freckles to appear just then?
"Cop dating a fireman", and then "to hell with it"? Sooooo eloquent, Freckles.
Should take notes on how not to talk to a guy I like.
Kissing seems to be a winning move, though.
However... why is it that John kisses not like a free man? If it's Freckles the reason he's being not forthcoming with the blonde?
Oh, damnit, John. I wish you didn't have that second thought. Because there was a reason why you weren't very responsive, wasn't there?
I wonder...
Dammit, dammit, dammit. So okay, I don't believe she's on the bad guys side anymore... it just means she runs a madly high risk of getting killed. And where would that leave our dear John?
So, Root's failsafe. Harold doesn't get to be mad at her for it.
Of course, Harold doesn't care whether or not he gets to be mad at her for something he ultimately caused. He just does.
Well, Root always felt more intense about him than he did in turn.
I wonder what John's reaction is going to be when he hears. Both about Harold having nearly-suicidal secret side-projects, and about downing a bottle of neurotoxin to stop Root from killing the lady.
John so won't be glad.
I guess they're not going to tell him.
Team Machine... keep going.