4x05Dang, it's Samaritan again. And politics. Gives me a headache already.
Whoops! I hope John's evasion in dialogues hasn't got too rusty since his special ops days...
Hhhholy funk! I don't think that bit of strip-tease has Harold affected (hurting his sense of decency, perhaps), but that looks like a definite bit of fanservice for those who ship the two.
By the way, I wonder if Grace is gone for good... Not to say I'd miss her if she is... I'm a rinch shipper.
I'm almost sure the election results were rigged. Guess who?
Oh, a flashback, a flashback!
"I killed it because it lied".
Harold gives me shivers sometimes.
Shrink: ...transferred to homicide, suddenly the shooting starts.
She kidding?! I saw Reese knee-cap at least three drug-dealers in the very first episode! He was still in narcotics then. Except it wasn't his gun he shot with, and he didn't have to file a report...
Oh, John. What if doc notices you're bullshitting her?
And what would you know, she did.
Well, it wasn't that hard to guess, was it?
Another flashback... not so joyful now. I guess Harold is going to kill that version too.
Hhholy funk times two... that is fanservice. And I still don't like those two too close together.
Oh blast it, Harold, don't you blink like that.
Oh dammit... Root's been running dry... for how long? She certainly seemed properly elated when sending Harold for guns as Egret...
So she's feeding off riddles, like Claire before she met Samaritan? That must be kind of awful.
UH-OH. Elected her, then got rid of her?
Aaand another flashback. I start to acquire a taste for it. It looked kind of fun, in a weird sort of way.
But... I might be wrong, but I thought younger Harold didn't wear sideburns?
Neat work, guys, but I guess Simon sees Harold now.
Oh blast it... whose peeping eye is it now? I dearly hope it's our guys...
Hooh, yeah that's them.
Yeah, I can see why Harold doesn't trust the Machine... 43 versions, only one playing nice. And he's not exactly clear on what "bringing to heel" means, but apparently he had to take away its ability to converse freely, as well as personal experience, in order to make it work as intended.
However, if my impression is correct, the last version's only fault was that she intervened in matters other than immediate life threats. Such as set him up with his fiancee. And also tried to protect him. I do remember him saying he doesn't need it to protect him, he need it to protect everybody. He only spoke of the last version - he explained the daily nulled memory - and he didn't mention threats or tricks then.
So I'm still going to believe that the current version is a sweetheart.
YAY! "Give Shaw a message..." so they don't ship Harold and Root! I like the creators so much right now!
I hope they don't go killing off the main personages anytime soon...
Fffffunk... You know, I really dislike the blonde. She's worse than Root was before being plugged in.
Root's got her fix now, feeling invincible probably. That must be a hell of an adrenaline and endorphine rush.
Wow, that was a glimpse from the Machine! With her red dotted square frames! I guess I'm getting a bit of a rush too...
A battle of titans... same videofeeds... funking epic!
And Harold called her Root! Instead of Miss Groves! Hopefully she doesn't get shot...
There goes my hoping.
Well, failing that, I hope she gets collected by Team Machine and patched up...
Okay, guys, you're in time to save Simon, how about helping Root?
Oh, come on, Harold... Simon remembers his values. Even if both the digital and printed results were replaced. Had to make it look better. Maybe drug him with something that makes memory fuzzy... Just "move on" may not cut it.
Besides, Samaritan is probably still looking...
Okay, so I'm going to believe that Samaritan didn't manage to dispatch a cleaning team in the time while Simon walked along the street, making his not-really-hasty phonecall. Okay.
Glad Root made it out alive. I wonder who patched her wounds and fit her with that nice sling...
Oh, okay.
The problem with the Machine is that she's so big. There are so many servers.
Oh, by the way, Samaritan has much more - Root said a hundred of facilities like the one she infiltrated, and Machine fit in only one. So she's smarter.
I wonder if she went viral already. Her predecessors definitely tried. It's too dangerous for her to be tied to her hardware.
"It's time we had a talk, you and I."
Oh, Harold...