4x02 addOh, and I totally forgot to compliment Fusco! Those notes, I didn't figure it out! One would hope to get at least that simple bit. Shame on me, and go Fusco.
4x03Hey, this is Machine's footage, not Samaritan!
Mr. Fabulous. I totally like Fusco's endearments.
Huh, and who's nudging who now? Finch is back to his demanding attitude now that he has built his safe burrow. The man likes things done his way, well, can we fault him? Especially since his way keeps him alive and more sloppy guys keep getting dead.
Yeah, definitely Machine's eyes. Well hello, sweetie.
New number is fun. Fusco's epic.
You know, after two episodes of Samaritan, it really soothes my eyes to be looking at Machine's footage. I didn't expect to feel that strongly about it...
Oh, Harold, still a backbone of steel. "The Machine needs a favour" - "No." That quick, that resolute. Is he afraid of what she might want?
Or he's afraid of what the pair of Machine+Root might want?
I really, really don't like it when Harold is going anywhere with Root. Just... bad memories.
Oh, oh, oh. Mr. Egret. What the hell is she playing at? That must be dangerous. And she doesn't have the resources to protect Harold the way Samaritan can protect Claire.
Wow. Harold... WOW. That face... that voice. He did try his hand at being scary evil powerful guy when he and Shaw interrogated that barista guy, but that... that's funking impressive.
And the moment they get out of there... he freaks out of his mind. You can just see it in his eyes, in his gait. Doesn't like the idea of being the bad guy, certainly.
I don't like when she calls him Harry.
I do wonder if the Machine made up Egret just like she made up that payphone guy...
Oh, Harold. It's too tough, yeah.
And that was planned?!
That's why he didn't want to do it in the first place.
Wow, Fusco! Dealing with handcuffs with cufflinks? Wow!
Oh-kay, so the plan worked and equipped Team Machine with quite some guns and even more money.
Well, if we remember she's growing... I guess she has grown up to the rebellious playful teen stage...
Go Team Machine.