2x22Oh I bloody love her. She's so... I guess John likes her too. I wish she kept talking to John.
I thought before that she would have a well-set female digital voice, like most of the systems do, but I find I like the disjointed way she's talking.
I want that voice for my sound scheme now.
And I might be looking at a new name for a computer. Althought, I wouldn't rename my current one, even if I was rather short for options when named it...
And that "stay", oh.
It's been a while since I experienced such a full emotional charge. Must be a good thing.
Oh dear, please, don't tell Root about the bug. John's got to have priority in your eyes. He's the contingency, and he's taking care of Admin. Don't, please.
"You know almost everything that's happening and you won't give me the one thing I need?" Oh, John.
But why won't she tell, really? Was it Finch who smashed the glasses?
And oh dear, I hope they get him a replacement right away, it's a bit of a hell having one's eyes unarmed when one needs it...
*giggles* How do they do that. I just was all immersed in the drama and action, and they pull that joke. *giggles* Shaw rules.
That wasn't a good way to acquire glasses. Unless the Machine anticipates Root's lack of patience. She really might...
*giggles* I know it's for a good cause, but god, does being given the lockbox combination look like cheating.
*giggles harder* I really shouldn't been laughting at the wedding problem resolution, but... among all that tension and drama, Mr. Reese and Miss Shaw are really a breath of fresh air with their simple, pragmatic approach to resolving issues.
Wow! Wow. "Don't you touch him", huh, Root? That bit's unexpected.
Okay, there we go. Root's admin rights expired. Only... it means that John's rights are up too. And isn't it just a little sad...
That's what you get when you force Finch to "cooperate". Unless... it's already moved again?
Oh, Harold. You poor, secretive, untrusting soul. John really worried, you know?
But now that makes sense.
Only there's still that bit where the leaked laptop was the reason John had been sent halfway across the world and couldn't save Jessica in time...
And oh bloody bloody bloody hell, literally... Finch most likely severely aggravated the damage he sustained in the explosion by upping and leaving. Possibly, the reason why he's limping and can't turn his neck is... his own actions. But then, there's that bit when Grace walks in mere seconds after he does that, so...
And who the funk is that "ma'am"? Who is, by the way, also marked as "contingency" in the Machine's eyes?
And no it's UNFAIR. Why didn't she keep talking to John?