

Генератор кубиков
Transcript, just in case...

all hell broke loose like never before

Machine, dear... don't wind up dead yourself... :pc::heart:

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков

Carter, Carter, Carter, Carter

Go Team Machine... :pc: :heart:

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков
things are winding up...

Go Team Machine... :pc:

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков
So it's time to catch up.

Team Machine... keep going. :pc:

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков
So, still in anabiosis. Still unwell, tired and busy.
But I hit that really good mindstate I really want to keep.
The downside... this really good mindstate makes writing fanfiction literally impossible.
Not like all fanfiction, but for the fandoms I touched here.
It opens the creative doors for the ones I left behind, instead. They should go under my main pseudonym, though. Which would be a bit of necromancy if I decided to do it.
That's why my stunt with bringing The Demolished Man to unprepared readers fell through.
Oh well.
I mean, I probably could still write my het drabbles, I had several. And maybe those cumulative portraits. Slash ones are out of the question.
Maybe later.
I need to keep it for like eight days more, at least.

@музыка: Cliff Carpenter & His Orchestra - Ten O'clock Postman

@темы: EN, поток сознания

Генератор кубиков
Организм сказал "а давай встанем"?
Ну встали, ради эксперимента.
А так вообще да, ночь сейчас.

@темы: теги, какие теги?



Генератор кубиков
...И все еще в анабиозе.

Но к тому всему плюсом, я разморозила и помыла холодильник.

@темы: the l&c quest



Генератор кубиков
Я не сдохло, я в анабиозе.

@темы: теги, какие теги?

Генератор кубиков
Гагарин полетел! :smiletxt:

@темы: теги, какие теги?

Генератор кубиков
So, a short overview of western psychology on interpersonal relationships is: it is okay and healthy to have casual sex as long as you keep to one-night-stand protocol or whatever to make sure both (or more) parties know where they stand; but in case you happen to have that epic love that is so strong you're willing to sacrifice your life for that person — oh, it's just delusion and unhealthy obsession, possibly with a side order of codependency.

I call bullshit.

@темы: EN, поток сознания

Генератор кубиков
Сижу, в экран пялюсь без пользы. В частности, смотрю нашу "Двенадцатую ночь".

@темы: Двенадцатая ночь, нытье без жилетки, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков
Sometimes my mind does a totally irrelevant crazy thing.
This time:
It started fairly innocently. I wanted a funny song to lift my mood. A nonsensical one would suit. So I picked "Witch Doctor", the Cartoons version (without chipmunks).
And there it goes, my mind suddenly imagining Jim Kirk singing it. With "witch doctor", reluctantly, associated with Bones. And you can guess the rest.
And irrelevant.
But who cares, right?

@темы: EN

Генератор кубиков
Тыкнула на "быстроссылку" на фикбук... мне предложили удалить все фанфики. :wow2:
Осторожно, аккуратно нажала на меню под никнеймом, выбрала "Мой профиль"... предложение повторилось.
ficbook glitch

Я такая избранная, или подобная засада всех посетила? :shy2:

@темы: теги, какие теги?



Генератор кубиков
Машина, миленькая, вернись. :pc:

@темы: Person of Interest

Генератор кубиков
Мы сдеанонились! :wine: :heart:

Звучит-то как, будто сдетонировали. :lol:

лучи котят и прочее

В общем... Go Team WTF PoI 2015! :pc::heart:

@темы: Person of Interest, ФБшное, WTF-2015, oppan canvas size



Генератор кубиков
Here's something helpful, by the way. Getting proper names by ear is a pain.

developments are slow

Go Team Machine. :pc: :heart:

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков
Some people I refer to by odd monikers due to failing to hear their names properly.

The tablet guy — Jared Wilkins (well, the tablet guy, from 4x07)
Freckles — Dr. Iris Campbell (Detective Riley assigned therapist)
Crimson six — Devon Grice (an ISA agent). Wikia says "crimson six" is a codename for the entire pair, Grice and Brooks.

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону



Генератор кубиков
some humour, some angst...
...and fanservice

Oh, I forgot again.
Go Team Machine. :pc: :heart:

@темы: EN, Person of Interest, припала к канону

Генератор кубиков

@темы: теги, какие теги?

Генератор кубиков

@темы: нытье без жилетки, оп-па горностай